Replace with a lower fat option, such as skimmed milk.
Cut out full fat milk or cream in yoghurt, tea and coffee, soups and sauces.Avoid snacks such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate and pastries, and replace with nuts (without coatings), dried and fresh fruit, or hummus.Replace fatty meats, such as sausages and burgers, with lean meats, such as chicken (without the skin) and all kinds of fish (white and oily).Use minimal amount of vegetable oils and spreads when cooking instead. Reduce (or stop) cooking with high level fats such as butter, lard, ghee, and goose fat.Replace butter on bread with sunflower or olive oil spreads.Ways to reduce cholesterol through healthier eating

Medical treatment would only be appropriate if the level was much higher. Total cholesterol of 5.8mmols/l is higher than recommended, but could be reduced with simple diet and lifestyle changes rather than medical treatment. A non-fasting triglyceride result, which should be 4 mmols/l or less.A fasting triglyceride sample, which should be 2 mmols/l or less.This should read more than 1mmol/l for men and 1.2 mmol/l for women LDL ( bad cholesterol), which should be less than 3mmols/l.TC which stands for total cholesterol (a measurement of bad and good cholesterol) and should ideally be below 5 millimoles per litre of blood (mmol/l).When you get your cholesterol result from your doctor, it's split into a variety of different measurements. Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to heart and circulatory diseases.

It is carried in the blood by proteins, some of which are referred to as ‘bad’ (LDL = Low Density Lipoprotein) or ‘good’ (HDL = High Density Lipoprotein). Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver and contained in some foods.